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Happy New You! Out with the Old and in with the New + Ritual

Updated: May 26, 2024

I haven't written a blog in a while. I guess these past months have been too exciting, overwhelming and exhausting, all at once:) The Holiday Season is here and I don't know about you, but I truly love it! Maybe it's because people become nicer and more caring, or maybe it's the cold and the hibernating and all the candles and comfort food? Something about it is very peaceful and loving. I also love all the food traditions and family and friends coming together and each of us getting a chance to slow down and reflect over the past year and pave the way for the new year to come. It's a season that's about gratitude and that gives us a chance to review and regroup, clean out declutter and let go of things that no longer serve. Christmas presents have also become more conscious as we grow and I find it important in these critical times, to truly be mindful about shopping and what we buy, who produces it, how it impacts our planet, workers (who are sometimes children) and how products effect our health and wellbeing. We don't have another planet so now is the time to take small steps to make a difference, especially during the holidays. This year I was also really on the fence about buying a Christmas Tree. It's so hard because it smells divine and it's so beautiful and healing. Watching my son being so excited also makes it harder. I am seriously considering other options. One step at a time........

Yesterday I was invited to a New Years meditation that really inspired me to finally finish this blog that's been sitting with me for too many days now:) We are about to enter a new decade, and on New Years Eve we have a chance to release and let go of unwanted things as well as setting some New Intentions for the coming year and years! I have long felt we are reaching higher vibrational levels and I am truly feeling this new decade will bring change and more ease into our lives. And looking back this year was full of chaos and challenges and ups and downs. Many lessons and opportunities for growth were presented and if welcomed, many of us experienced growing pains that pushed us out of our comfort zones and made us face our fears and continue moving through change. This was all in preparation for what is to come and so that we can reach our fullest potential and start speaking and living our truth. Many of us felt the fear, anxiety and discomfort that sneaked up and tried to take over, and as I moved through change I practiced to trust in the higher powers while grounding myself and staying in the present moment. When I allowed feeling joy and gratitude for everything I have in my life and loving myself more, the problems seamed to fade and solutions emerged like magic. Lesson learned: when we trust, show gratitude and open ourselves up to change, we shift our energy and start receiving daily miracles. This year has definitely taught me over and over, not to worry, and to trust and to truly focus on joy and happiness and doing what I love, in order to shift my energy and being able to receive. This is still work in progress of course and definitely still have a long way to go, but I am taking this month to truly reflect and prepare myself for 2020. A wise mama and friend told me that 2020 will be the year of clear vision, which should also bring forth lots of truth and continue to shift our world into to a higher vibration. There is still time for all of us to prepare for the New Year, set our intentions, identify what we need to change in order to get there and meditate, pray, do affirmations (whatever preference you have). Our health is also truly important as our body is our temple and it needs to stay in good shape to be able to take us there! Healing with healthy foods and working out is key these coming months. I decided a few weeks ago to start prioritizing exercise as I haven't made enough time for myself in the past three years to do so. And my body needs to heal after all these changes that happen during, pregnancy, birth and early years of motherhood. So if you haven't started a work out routine yet, now is the time to start caring for your wellbeing!

New Years Ritual

Tools: Pen, paper, sink or a pot that you can burn things in:)

I love New Years rituals and especially gathering with friends on New years eve and doing it, as it amplifies the energy and helps manifestation. And as we are stepping into a new decade, this New Year is of great importance as we can set intentions for many years to come. So be clear and meditate on where you want to be in the next 1-10 years (you decide how far your own plan stretches) or ask for guidance if you are unsure. I like to divide the ritual into 3 steps:

1. Releasing what no longer serves us

Write down everything that you would like to release on a piece of paper. (negative patterns, toxic relationships, blockages, negative thoughts, self doubt etc.) Burn list in a safe place (preferably outdoors or sink) and imagine releasing it all into the universe.

3. Showing gratitude

Think about all the things, moments, people that have made your life richer and better and that you are grateful for and write them down. Take a moment to sit quietly and think about these and feel the gratitude fill your heart. Burn and release!

2. Setting intentions

Write down your intentions and wishes on a piece of paper and be creative. You can color, do a vision board, add pictures, draw up your dreams. Or make it simple and just write bullit points. You can be very specific or vague depending on what you want to. Once you have written it down, sit and meditate for a few minutes and imagine how you will feel when it comes true? Will you do the happy dance, scream whooooooaaaaaaa? Really feel into it and like it already manifested. Thank the universe and say out loud: for the good of all or not at all! So be it! Release your wishes to the universe! (You can save your list or burn it) Some people like to put theirs in a safe place and revisit the following year to see how it manifested). Your choice!

Ready for the new year? Ready to think bigger, do better and be better! At yesterdays meditation we had an amazing channeling after the meditation. The message for the new year was for all of us to find our magic and step into it. Stop hiding who you are and let go of negative people around you. Be ourselves no matter what other people think. You'll be surprised what kind of people you will attract once you come out of your shell and start being you. And once you start excluding people that are not on the same vibrational level as you. We were also told about the importance of using your voice to speak your truth and to trust that the universe has your back! We are safe and we don't have to fear. It was said that 2020 will be all about the magic! And one of my New Years Eve intentions tomorrow will definitely be to step deeper into it! What about you?

Happy New Year!


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